On June 21, 2018, the US Supreme Court fundamentally altered the multi-state taxation rules in ways which will precipitate the need for businesses to evaluate their state tax processes and resulting state tax liabilities. In South Dakota v. Wayfair, the Court held that a business did not need to be physically present in a state in order for the state to require it to comply with its sales tax laws. The decision affects all businesses that sell across state lines as well as internet sellers.
As a result, businesses selling products or providing services into more than one state need to evaluate and modify their current IT systems for scalability in order to handle the massive amount of compliance and other work the Court’s decision will require.
Check back for registration details for several live and webcast presentations, which will discuss the precise holding and ramifications of South Dakota v. Wayfair. The presentations will provide a framework for developing a plan to analyze a multi-state business’s new reporting requirements, payment obligations, and ensuing deadlines. Members of our law firm will also discuss certificate maintenance (resale and exemption) for multiple jurisdictions, adjustments required to online shopping carts and marketplace platform arrangements, as well as how to anticipate, plan for, and handle simultaneous sales tax audits from the various states.